Original Research

The Application Of The Excellence Model To Enhance Health Service Delivery And Performance Excellence In A State Department

S. J. D. Eygelaar, J. S. UYS
SA Journal of Human Resource Management | Vol 2, No 3 | a50 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajhrm.v2i3.50 | © 1970 S. J. D. Eygelaar, J. S. UYS | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 05 November 2004 | Published:

About the author(s)

S. J. D. Eygelaar, RAU University, South Africa
J. S. UYS, RAU University, South Africa

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This article examines the appropriateness of applying the South African Excellence Model for public service performance excellence in developing a strategy to enhance health service delivery and performance excellence in a state department. The results achieved by the application of the South African Excellence ModeI for Public Service Performance Excellence Self-assessment Questionnaire provide potential benefits for the state department to enhance health service delivery and performance excellence. The Excellence Model identifies the department’s strengths and areas for improvement based upon well-established internationally accepted the retical frameworks and recognised criteria for performance excellence. From this study it is inferred that determining health service performance excellence continues to be a challenge in the department.

Hierdie artikel ondersoek die geskiktheid van die toepassing van die Suid-Afrikaanse uitnemendheidsmodel vir openbare sektor prestasieuitnemendheid as die ontwikkeling van ‘n strategie vir die bevordering van gesondheidsdienslewering en prestasieuitnemendheid in ‘n staatsdepartment. Die resultate behaal met die toepassing van die Suid-Afrikaanse uitnemendheidsmodel vir openbare sektor prestasieuitnemendheidselfbeoordelingsvraelys bied potensiële voordeel vir die staatsdepartement om gesondheidsdienslewering en prestasieuitnemendheid te bevorder. Die uitnemendheidsmodel identifiseer die department se sterkpunte en ontwikkelingsareas gebaseer op internasionaal-gevestigde, teoretiese raamwerke en erkende kriteria vir prestasieuitnemendheid. Van hierdie studie kan dit afgelei word dat gesondheidsdiensprestasieuitnemendheid steeds ‘n uitdaging in die departement bly.gevolg deur ’n iteratiewe itemontleding. Die voorlopige bevindinge dui daarop dat die vraelys toegepas kan word vir die beoordeling van ’n kliëntintimiteitskultuur.


The Excellence Model; Health Service Delivery And Performance Excellence


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Crossref Citations

1. Identification and Prioritization Technologies and Types of Threats in Future Warfare Using Future Studies Approach
Masood Taheri Mirghaed, Mazyar Karamaali, Mohammadkarim Bahadori, Mohsen Abbasi
Entomology and Applied Science Letters  vol: 9  issue: 1  first page: 7  year: 2022  
doi: 10.51847/xsFMn9Tl1P