Original Research

Towards A Genetic Business Code For Growth in the South African Transport Industry

J.H. Vermeulen, Theo H. Veldsman, Gert Roodt, Willem Schurink
SA Journal of Human Resource Management | Vol 1, No 1 | a7 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajhrm.v1i1.7 | © 2003 J.H. Vermeulen, Theo H. Veldsman, Gert Roodt, Willem Schurink | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 02 November 2003 | Published: 02 November 2003

About the author(s)

J.H. Vermeulen, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Theo H. Veldsman, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Gert Roodt, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Willem Schurink, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

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As with each living organism, it is proposed that an organisation possesses a genetic code. In the fast-changing business environment it would be invaluable to know what constitutes organisational growth and success in terms of such a code. To identify this genetic code a quantitative methodological framework, supplemented by a qualitative approach, was used and the views of top management in the Transport Industry were solicited. The Repertory Grid was used as the primary data-collection method. Through a phased data-analysis process an integrated profile of first- and second-order constructs, and opposite poles, was compiled. By utilising deductive and inductive strategies three strands of a Genetic Business Growth Code were identified, namely a Leadership Strand, Organisational Architecture Strand and Internal Orientation Strand. The study confirmed the value of a Genetic Business Code for growth in the Transport Industry.

Daar word voorgestel dat ’n organisasie, soos elke lewende organisme, oor ’n genetiese kode beskik. In die snelveranderende sake-omgewing sal dit onskatbaar wees om te weet wat organisasiegroei en –sukses veroorsaak. ’n Kwantitatiewe metodologie-raamwerk, aangevul deur ’n kwalitatiewe benadering is gebruik om hierdie genetiese kode te identifiseer, en die menings van topbestuur in die Vervoerbedryf is ingewin met behulp van die “Repertory Grid" as die vernaamste metode van data-insameling. ’n Geïntegreerde profiel van eerste- en tweedeordekonstrukte, met hulle teenoorgestelde pole, is opgestel. Drie stringe van ’n Genetiese Sakegroeikode, nl. ’n Leierskapstring, die Organisasieargitektuur-string en die Innerlike-ingesteldheidstring is geïdentifiseer deur deduktiewe en induktiewe strategieë te gebruik. Die studie bevestig die waarde van ’n Genetiese Sakekode vir groei in die Vervoerbedryf.


Genetic Business Code; Growth; South African Transport Industry


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